Nutritional Orchard (Fruit)


Kinnow (Var. Punjab Kinnow) orchard was developed to demonstrate intercropping with gram and mustard.   A large number of farmers are seeing and adopting this cultivation system in their fields.

Aonla & Beal Orchard

Aonla and Beal orchards were developed in 02-acre area by KVK for production in saline water in NCT Delhi. Total 04 varieties Anola (NA-6, NA-7, NA-5, Chakiya) & 2 varieties of Beal (Var.- Beal-1 & Beal-2) are demonstrated.

Drumstick orchard

Drumstick (Var.- PKM-1) orchard developed in 2000 M2 area by KVK for promotion of drumstick in NCT Delhi.  Drumstick has medicinal properties and is liked on a large scale. KVK also provides the seedling of drumstick to the farmers.